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Happy Chanukah from Kochavim

In reading this week the children have been reading Chanukah stories, discussing the story they have read with the classmates in their group, and answering comprehension questions together.


During math, the second graders have been busy solving Chanukah themed math word problems and 3-digit addition and subtraction problems, and the first graders have been busy playing Chanukah math games and solving Chanukah themed single and double digit addition and subtraction problems.


The children are editing and working on their final draft of their opinion writing.


Social Studies: continuing with our unit on map skills. The children have been enjoying locating different places on maps using cardinal direction.


Some of our activities for Fun Friday were a Stem Activity-making a dreidel and making Chanukah Slime, (discussing what chemical reaction took place during this).


In art class:

Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel

I made you out of clay

And when you’re dry and ready

Oh, Dreidel we shall play!



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