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The Keshet Experience – week 39

Dear Parents, 
This will be the last weekly blog posted…although next week you may get a little treat in the form of an e-mail.  Your children will be bringing home their art folders from our artist unit today. Please take them and ask questions about the artists. (artist names are written on the back of artwork). Enjoy!!!!
Secular Studies:
Math Centers:
Things 1 have been learning about money. The names and values of the coins as well as how to make an amount in a variety of ways. They are using their skip counting skills ( counting by 5’s and 10’s) to sound the amounts and are doing amazingly well… In fact they did so well they were working on some “things 2” work!!!!!
Things 2 have also been doing an amazing job with subtraction of numbers to 100. They have been determining which of the strategies works best for the equations they are given. They are really coming along with their understanding of numbers and concepts. 
Social Studies:
This week’s artists were once again, Mac Chagall. Lat week we did bible prints and this week we learned about his stained glass and c created our own! The cover to the Swiffer Wet pads make for very good windows… and luckily I am OCD and have lots of covers 
We can to possible end the art unit without learning Michelangelo and the Sisteen Chapel. Children really enjoyed laying on the ground and creating their masterpieces under the tables!
Spelling/Sight Words:
Things 1 & Things 2 completed their final quiz of the year!!! Lots of skills and learning have taken place throughout the program and I encourage them to keep their lists and continue to practice throughout the summer. 

Judaic/Hebrew :
For Shelach Lecha, we watched the godcast and did our role play.  The cast of characters included: God, Moshe, Aaron, Joshua, Caleb, the other spies, and the Giants.  We talked about “always look on the bright side of life” and “accentuate the positive” — with the accompanying songs for each. Props included multiple sets of binoculars, periscopes, beards, hats, crowns, etc.
We did an activity of looking at color photos of 13 sites all around Israel, that were in a numbered display around the room.  Each pair of children pretended they were spies, on a mission to report back to Moshe about what they found in Israel. They wrote down a positive and negative impression of each site. They ended with the words from this week’s parsha, Eretz Zavat Halav Udvash — in song and dance.
We reviewed the 3rd paragraph of the Shema, which appears in this week’s parsha in its entirety. 
Parsha Vocabulary:
send   שָׁלַח  the land   אֶרֶץ  to tell   אָמַר  nation   גוי  to   אֶל
Please enjoy this week’s photos…

Thank you, and Shabbat Shalom!!

Morah Beth and Morah Miriam


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