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Week of September 8-11, 2020

General reminders: 
* If you arrive at school between 8am and 8:15am your classroom teachers will be waiting to welcome you.  If you arrive after 8:15amand there is no teacher at the door / gate, you should park and walk your child to the main Ezra entrance where an Ezra staff member will walk your child directly to their classroom.  Garinim teachers (two year old class) will not be at the entrance door past 8:15am.  The other two classes will often be outdoors playing beyond 8:15am, but not always.  
* If your child is absent from school, for any reason, please call the school office 203.389.5500 BEFORE 9am to let us know.  
* Snack reminders: Please send in a morning snack of cut up fruit and/or vegetables, in a separate container in your child's backpack (not in the lunchbox). This makes it easy for your child to locate as we work towards independence.
This week we continued with learning our new songs at group time. We also learned a new Apple song.
“Three little apples in the apple tree, three little apples smiling down at me. I shook that tree as hard as I could! Down came an apple, mmmm that was good.”
We continue the song by counting down until there are no more apples left.
We also read “Apples and Honey”, a Rosh Hashana story (among various other stories throughout the week!)
We created more apples for our bulletin board (that has a large brown tree with falling leaves already). We water colored cut out apples and glued red and yellow pieces of paper onto smaller apple cutouts. These are now proudly hung on our classroom tree.
We are still working into our classroom routine. Everyday the children seem more and more comfortable and understand rolling out a mat for their work space, putting their work away (with a reminder), and being patient waiting for their turn.
We also acted out “Mouse Paint”. Since we have been learning about primary colors, we read the story about the three mice who get curious about red, blue, and yellow paint and how they mix the colors to make green, orange or purple. The children loved holding the little mice and the black cat as we read the story! The most favorite part was when they could take turns placing the mice into the cat’s water bowl for a “bath”
Alim Classroom-  It has been a great second week of school.  We introduced the Calendar this week.  We started singing the Days of the Week and the Months of the Year during our morning gathering.  Also,  the children were introduced to their Blue Work Folders. There is a picture and name of each child on the folders.  So, everyone can successfully find their folders.   The children's work and art papers will be sent home on Fridays.   The children seem to be more comfortable with the routine in the classroom this week.  The room is definitely buzzing now.  We have had some discussions on friendship and manners this week.  Moral Sandy and Moral Marisol role play certain situations so the children can visually see what we mean by being polite and taking turns.  So far,  it's been very successful.  Yay!!!  
Rosh Hashanah is coming! This week we focused on the holiday. We talked about how Rosh means head and that this holiday is the beginning of the new year. Food is an important part of this holiday. The children talked about their favorite foods. Apple cake or honey cake which should I choose? We also learned a few Rosh Hashanah tunes. 
The week flew by! Our children are now more familiar with one another; as is evident at lunch time with lunch table chatter a lot louder this week than last! The routine with wipe feet (shoes) on mat, spritz hands with sanitizer, change into indoor shoes, sit on rug for Morning Meeting,... is well rehearsed now.  All written work/artwork during the week is placed in their individual folders and transferred to their backpack on Friday. We spoke about apples, apple seeds, how trees grow, including Hebrew words for seeds (garinim), tree (eitz), branches (anafim), leaves (alim), apples (tapoochim) and a story about Johnny Appleseed. Your child may ask you to slice an apple in half (horizontally) to reveal a star. We introduced Rosh Hashana with discussion, songs and games, including a memory game - each child stating one item to bring for Rosh Hashana and remembering what each previous child brought.  Each day we selected five Rosh Hashana items which became the still life arrangement displayed for painting.  Don't be surprised if your child asks you to do the dance (Macarena) 'Apples, apples, honey, honey.  They're so yummy in your tummy. Apples, apples, honey, honey.  Hey, it's Rosh Hashana!' We can't bake challah at school, but we are celebrating Shabbat and sharing a piece of store bought challah, along with grape juice.  The children loved the swizzle of honey drizzled on their piece of challah.  
Keshet (Kindergarten):
 Science-  The children were introduced to an Air, Land and Water lesson.  There were three jars presented to the children.  One jar was Air( empty)... the second jar was Land (dirt) ...  the third jar was Water(dark blue water).   Then all the children had a turn to match the correct animal cards to where they live.   We also did a paper extension to this work.  
We continue to tell number stories, exploring different combinations of numbers to nine. 'Count the flowers (9) Count the dragonflies (5)  Five Dragonflies flew around ... (elaborate story) and  landed on 5 flowers.  How many flowers do not have a dragonfly? The children play around with different numbers and then tell us their story.  We are also playing number games, matching patterns, creating number bracelets by color coding with corresponding numbers printed on colored squares. 
Language-  This week we started reading Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White  with emphasis on listening and comprehension.  We read a couple of chapters out loud.   We will be discussing story elements such as 1. the setting 2. Characters 3. Plot (events that happen) 4. Conflict (challenge) 5. Theme (moral of the story).  So far , we have discussed the setting and the main characters of the story.  
Music - Morah Dawn put them through various music routines, including drum beats, and Kabbalat Shabbat singing and dancing with Morah Lana and accompanied by Morah Dawn on the keyboard.  
See this week's photo's here
Shabbat Shalom!


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