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Week of October 19-23, 2020

This week we are beginning our theme of “All About Me”. We are collecting family pictures of the children (pictures of parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles etc) for our family tree that we are making in our classroom. Please keep in mind that these pictures will be hung on a bulletin board with staples, so please plan on what types of photos (printed or paper), work best for you. I cannot guarantee the condition of  the photos,or if they would be returned, as our intention is for this to be an interactive board for the children. We look forward to seeing the children’s family photos!
We built our own “houses”. The children used popsicle sticks and glue to “build” their house and told us what color their house is, how many windows etc. We also created self portraits at the easel—this theme will carry into next week with more projects and discussions of our families and homes!
We learned the Hebrew words for:
Head “rosh”
Mouth “peh”
Nose “af”
Eye “ayeen”
Ear “Ozen”
Tongue “lashon”
We made Chanukah cards for Jewish soldiers that are abroad (we realize a little early, but wanted to complete the project so they are sent in time). The children used stamps and markers to make some festive and cheery cards!
We made a pretend “Shabbat Soup”, with some soft pretend vegetables. Ask your child what they put in our “soup”.
The color of the week was Purple.  We talked about that it's a secondary color.  We had new art activities and new practical life activities.  The children mixed the colors blue and red to make the color purple with different art mediums.  Pumpkin scrubbing was introduced to the children.   It involved many steps and they seemed to enjoy this water work.  The sound of the week was "Bb".  We read the alphatale story Bubble Bear and in this book it focused on the beginning sound Bb.   
This is Sahgohl (purple) week so the children have been building their vocabulary learning the colors in Hebrew. We review the previous week's color in addition to the new color. 
Parshah Noach was a big hit with the children. We created the story using our flannel board and learned a new song with fun hand motions to match.
HaShem told Noah to build an arky, arky
Build it out of gopher barky, barky
The animals they came, they came by twosies, twosies 
Elephants and kangaroosies, roosies
It rained and poured for 40 daises, daises 
Almost drove poor Noah crazy, crazy
The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy
Everything was fine and dandy, dandy
HaShem put a rainbow in the sky
He promised everything would be alright
This week we are following the Noah's Ark theme.  There are lots of fine stories with colorful pictures and offering areas for discussion.  We played the memory game, going around the circle with each person beginning with...' Noah built an ark and in came two ...gorillas' - remembering and repeating all those animals already mentioned, and adding their own choice of animal pair.  (Including penguins, humans, unicorns and ants...)
It's hard to describe all that we do, and harder still that you don't get to visit the classroom, but hope the pictures tell the story!  Polishing pennies, learning to tie shoelaces, stitching around a square of burlap, labelling a chain of golden beads from one to one hundred, creating words with the moveable alphabet and painting a planting of gourds. Just an hour of a day in the Anafim classroom this week. 
Math - We worked with the small number rods, placing two together to create new numbers (addition) and recording the 'stories' on the large dry erase board as number bonds recorded in circles (part, part, whole), written (7 and 3 make 10) and drawn as dots on the 10 frame.  
Language - We're continuing with our Family theme, drawing, writing, singing - practicing for our virtual Zoom HaMishpacha Sheli/ My Family presentation.  (Grandparents are invited too - if you haven't already, please send me their email address, we'd love to include them.)

The children completed their special world globes this week and continue singing the continent song ..... ask them to sing it to you.  They made a flag of the country they were born in.  Some children were born here in the USA and some were born in Israel.  

See this week's photo's here


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