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Montessori Preschool, Aug 27-30

Hello from Ezra Academy Montessori Preschool!

Welcome back and welcome to new families.  The first week at school is the art of getting to know one another, the routine, expectations, what goes where and who's who.  We have two classrooms and will be referring to them as 'Garinim' (seeds) and 'Anafim' ( meaning branches- not leaves as someone previously mentioned;).  We'll come together for specials, including gym and music and to celebrate chagim (holidays) starting with our weekly Shabbat in the Chapel. Today we decorated our kippot, which we will wear each week on Shabbat, and walked together, hand in hand to the B'nai Jacob synagogue chapel, singing songs along the way. We dramatically play acted 'Once Upon a Shabbos' by Jacqueline Jules with all the props, sang 'Five little Challot in the Bakers Shop,'  Ohseh Shalom, Shabbat Soup... and marched around with plush torahs singing 'Torah, Torah...' 
We shared what we did over the summer, shared our favorite color and are reading stories and singing songs about friendship.  We celebrated Lev's fourth birthday in our usual and special way - Happy Birthday Lev! and were treated to cupcakes and brownies.  This year we eat snack during he longer 'work period' in smaller groups of three or four.  The intimate snack table is a wonderful way for quiet, friendly conversation, and giggles!
The children are singing and talking about 'back to school' and friendship.  They shared many stories, including 'I don't Want to Go to School,' ' Hello Red Fox,' Curious George Goes to School' and 'Little Apple Goat.' Collage trees included green, red and yellow apples, counting the apples in English and Hebrew as they glued them onto the tree.  They all enjoyed singing:
'Five little apples in the apple tree
Five little apples smiling down on me.
I shook that tree as hard as I could!
Down came the apples, mmm they were good!'
Four little apples in the apple tree...'
Reminder: No school on Monday, September 2 - Labor Day
See you all on Tuesday.
Please click on the link below to see our photo's

Shabbat Shalom, 
Morah Lana, Morah Sheryl, Morah Nicole, Morah Marisol, Morah Haley, Morah Theresa


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